News & Blog

Welcome to the Summer Program and Teen Travel Blog !
Let me live, love and say it well in good sentences.

It is our wish to provide you, our valued readers, with engaging and interesting information about the spectacular world around us, and, hopefully, the words you find here will also inspire you to get out, to learn, to live, and above all else, to travel!

The Accursed Bean

Today Chinese class got pretty heated, and it was all thanks to beans. We were arguing what use of the bean is more felicitous—the sweet bean pastes of Chinese cuisine or the savory bean dishes ...

by Student, George H.


This past Saturday our high school’s fall play “The Servant of Two Masters” wrapped production—after over two months of hard work we culminated in three shows. Like all shows I’ve ever ...

by Student, George H.

Recognition of French Culture It seems like no matter where I go, there is an homage paid to French Culture. There are many things throughout the world ...

by Student, Marissa Muller

Mother Tongue Pt. 1

Our society places a great emphasis on diversity. Universities and corporations brag about their diversity, censuses and surveys collect information on diversity, and our own USA calls itself ...

by Student, George H.

Illuminations: Reflections of Earth

At Disney World, there is a firework show that is called Illuminations: Reflections of Earth. During this firework show, there is a song that plays called We Go On. The entire premise of the show ...

by Student, Marissa Muller

Hallow’s Eve

“Smell that? Do you smell that? Napalm, son. Nothing else in the world smells like that. I love the smell of napalm in the morning.” I’ve heard Robert Duvall utter that line too many times ...

by Student, George H.

History of a Name

Last year for Chinese New Year I was invited to my friend’s house for dinner. We sat with his parents and in discussion of the celebration we started talking about his parents’ childhood in ...

by Student, George H.

Finding the Study Abroad Program that is Right for You

I think almost every high school student that enters into college hopes that before they graduate; they will study abroad. Now is the time when I am trying to figure out where and when I want to ...

by Student, Marissa Muller

They Have a Word for That?

Language and its meaning are amazing tools that we use everyday. We create words with meanings that are useful for us—like “google” something, take a “selfie”, or, as they say out here ...

by Student, George H.

Learning Languages on the Web—The First Places to Look

Mark Twain once said “Never knew before what eternity was made for. It is to give some of us the chance to learn German.” And he’s right—learning a language is a lifetime process. The way ...

by Student, George H.

Global Teen in a Domestic World

There is saying that goes somewhere along the lines of you need to find a place to call home that can be your Paris. What this means is that you need to find a location to live and work that is as ...

by Student, Marissa Muller

How to make your “Bucket List”: Five Guidelines

Everyone loves traveling. I love it. It’s really easy to see a picture online or read about someplace and become super excited about it. And because I get so easily excited, I’ve developed ...

by Student, George H.