News & Blog

Last Week: Florence Session 1

by Sara E. As the week ends, we all realize the best trip of our lives is also ending. This week lead to some of the most amazing memories of my life and I don’t know what we’re supposed to do without each other after Tuesday. Even though Italy lost, the Italy vs Uruguay game was awesome! We dressed in our blue t-shirts to support our newfound home of Italy but sadly it wasn’t enough (at least USA is still in right?). Andiamo America! Ceramics was fun; everyone realized that we are each our own worst critic and that we’re not as bad at spinning pottery tables as we thought. Lindsay took us to see her friend, Anna Rose, who happens to be a hair enthusiast and creates masterpieces out of (fake) hair; eek! She showed us a couple of her pieces and we were all completely infatuated. On Thursday, Carrie and Simone took us on a tour of the fashion capital of Firenze! We toured the ferregato shoe museum and learned how important his “works of art” were. I’m very jealous of his clients. Friday was our last day of classes and none of us could have ever imagined how sad this would be. Luna let the Italian class make postcards for our classmates and teachers. We went dancing at the Space Club tonight; the experience was amazing and it was a great way to end the last week of Florence session 1. I can’t believe how fast these 3 weeks have flown by. We have all grown so close together in such a short amount of time and I have absolutely every urge to keep in touch with them (reunion next summer?).