News & Blog

Saying Goodbye to Leadership Academy

I can’t believe tonight is my last night with Abbey Road… I am going to miss everyone at my camp so much! I have made such amazing friendships with everyone that I can’t imagine leaving; it will be so hard to go back home and back to my normal routine. Not being able to say “I’m going to the quad”, or “I want to go to my dorm” will be hard to get used to…

Abbey Road’s Leadership Academy was one of the best camps I have been to, because I became close not only with the other campers, but also my Program Director and R.A. Everyone made my time at Stanford more enjoyable, and I have so many memories to take with me. Switching back to my life in New York seems odd…

Living on Stanford’s campus and being able to have a piece of college life will be so useful, because I’ll be going off to college next year, and hopefully it will be at Stanford University! Now that I am accustomed to college life, I don’t want to leave. I am going to miss everyone so much! I loved my summer with Abbey Road Programs!

-Rosette Evangeline